You Don’t Need To Be Getting Married To Take Professional Photos With Your Person

Being able to witness life through a camera lens gives me a different perspective; literally and figuratively. Not only do I have a unique vision as I watch my clients interact, or as the sun begins to move lower on the horizon. But, I also have the gift of perspective in the sense that every story is different, and there is no rulebook to life.

This is why I love working with clients who are excited to break the mold. Your family doesn’t have to look the same as your neighbor’s. Your wedding ceremony doesn’t have to be traditional. You don’t have to be engaged or married to take photos with your person. Everyone deserves to live and celebrate as they choose.

I had a great time photographing Blye and Autumn at Glen Ellen Regional Park in March. The session was fun, casual and lighthearted. We lucked out with the weather and that early Spring green grass was all around us.

Let Blye and Autumn be your reminder that you don’t need a special occasion, or a ring on your finger to have professional photos done. Your love deserves celebrating, no matter what season it is in.

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