What Better Time To Take Family Photos Than During A Special Life Milestone?

Coordinating a photo shoot can be a challenge especially when you’re working around multiple work and school schedules, sports events, etc. Sometimes the best way to make it happen is to combine your sessions. Like this sweet family did recently. Their kiddo was in need of senior portraits, so the whole family tagged along for group shots, too. Check, and check!

I love this idea of incorporating family into a senior portrait session for many reasons: These are your people and graduating from high school is an incredibly special time in your life. Being able to share this moment with your family is a gift. Especially if you’re able to have photographs to look back on.

It takes some of the pressure off of the kiddo. When it’s just you and a camera it can feel a little intimidating. I do my best to make all of my sessions fun and lighthearted, but I also understand the anxiety that can come from posing for solo photos. Why not call in the fam to get some group shots and make things more relaxed?

Life is busy. It moves so fast and it can be difficult to slow down. Big occasions like a graduation give us an excellent opportunity to pause for a moment. This is the perfect time to gather your family together and celebrate this pivotal time in your life.

If you have a special occasion, or a milestone birthday, or a graduation in your future – I encourage you to plan the photo shoot. You’ll get to spend an hour with your people and you’ll have photos to look back on for years to come.



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