One of my Favorite Sonoma County Senior Portrait Sessions

Did you know that senior portrait sessions typically take place in early Fall? Many schools need final images for yearbook submissions by October, which makes August and September prime photo time. This also happens to be an absolutely stunning time of year in Wine Country.

Senior portraits are becoming my favorite types of photo shoots. I feel so inspired after working with these vibrant, hip, young people. They are ambitious, and kind, and smart, and ready to take on the world. This is the energy we need more of!

This senior session with Maddy Martinelli was one of my absolute favs. She incorporated her love of classic cars, her pup, and her family winery where she grew up. These details are unique to Maddy, and they help tell her story.

I love to encourage my clients to bring props and different outfits to their photo shoot. We’re not looking for one cookie cutter photo; we want to get a sense of who YOU are. Maddy’s session did just that, and the photos highlight her personality beautifully. Whether it’s a pet, a car, or a favorite book, these meaningful items are a unique and fun way to showcase what’s important to you.

My Fall calendar is opening up soon! Submit a request through my website to inquire about availability for your own senior portrait session.






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